
plugged back in

spent a spell of time reconnecting all of the broken images in this dl to flickr. and that was after creating two playlists in iTunes. it's sad how much they pay me to waste their time.

that said, it would be lovely to move all of this crap into one single, dingle place... but I guess that option will always be there. no need to pay for a domain and hosting just to get stuff into wordpress.

it would only be to impress myself. I needn't have any external readers. I don't have the time to promote this, nor do I want to be a comment whore in hopes of drumming up more traffic. and I'm not really that shallow.

that said, what's have we not covered in the month since my last post? a newfound love for hooping. so deep is this love that (along with a coworker) a travel coil has been purchased to keep us company in Poland. yes, Poland. in September. work is paying for me and two fabulous colleagues to go work in Gdansk for two week with Habitat for Humanity. four essay questions later, I was selected. certainly changed my outlook and attitude toward this place. (though not my work ethic... not yet.) oh, and for the week following Gdansk, I'll be traipsing solo through the Baltic capitals and flying home from Helsinki.

in swimming news, Atlanta was fabulous. great swims coming off of a horrible watershow in SF that contained a breakdown and turned my duet into his solo. it was a relief. the only downside is the controversy between Chicago and Montreal for the homo-sport event of next summer. now, Chicago has deigned to add synchro as a sport, and we're awaiting the final thumbs up, no one wants to go to the better organized (for synchro) Montreal. darn, traditionalists. it's reminicient of the California AIDS Rides of 2001.

the majority of the team doesn't know that I was invited by Montreal (they're picking up the airfare and hotel) for Labor Day weekend to tour the facilities and be a sports team leader. goody, eh? manfriend is bent out of shape because of my windfall of traveling and, as a result, demanded that we do NYC for a weekend in November. I have the vacation time, I just hope I have money! back to Canada, I had planned on just doing a solo in Montreal (unless others want to come), but just last night, I made a tenative commitment to do just a few days of Chicago for the competition, not the whole week. time to start saving.

it's time to throw my body into the commuter stream. my footsies are sore from wearing mid-calf steel-toed Rangers. although I do have a shaved head, they were worn today as part of an anthropologist/archeologist costume for a farewell to KT. I tried to look like Indiana Jones and I come out as a G.I. Jane.

earlier - later