
recovering hobbiest

So full. Sitting on the couch Friday night with Fatty McFatFat after dinner at Walzwerk. He has the TV on, of course, and I'm trying to get my typing practice in for the day.

As I said last time, I took a little hiatus from writing. Not intentionally. It's funny, I did do a little writing in Melbourne. On the way to Grammie's funeral, I typed over six pages, a possible intro to a novel. I spent the rest of my travel time reading Middlesex. I was so inspired that I went ahead and bought the PowerBook (although the Vaio would accept my words just fine).

Since then, writing has taken the back-burner to work, swimming, TV, sleeping, or various time-wasting activities. I still haven't opened the DV camera and, already, I have found another hobby to obsess over (but not explore): Gocco prints. Life takes up so much time, it's hard to take proactive in the creation of one's own.

I feel torn between various creative pursuits. I've abandoned weight-lifting, for more nights swimming (Walnut Creek and SF), and just this week we've started choreographing our trio. Filmmaking has only been broached with the purchase of books. Printmaking is limited to eBay obsessions and surfing adventures.

Blogging, sketching, shooting... so many possibilities that I've been paralyzed into inactivity. But, that's not to say I haven't been productive. I wrote some planning documents. I have cleaned off my desk. I cleared my voicemail message pad. I have made a list of big dollar items I'm planning on eventually (wireless gateway, external HD, Print Gocco, monitor, and perhaps a 4G iPod if I get rich, but let's not forget a down payment). Laundry, V houseguest, kitty-sitting, and much more.

My yawns tell me it's time to stop. At least, something was written tonight.

earlier - later