
burning contented-ness

happy bastille day! did you storm your local prison today?

writing for writing's sake, and in a good mood to boot! I just spent another of what I've been calling my "vacation" weekends. it's spending mucho time with the manfriend and feeling like every moment is special, not drab, not rote, not being taken for granted. it's remembering to take naps, try new activities, cook good food, talk, etc. sure, sounds like every weekend, no? well, not for me. it just takes a certain mindset to help me take advantage of my "free" time and enjoy it to its fullest.

there weren't any crazy adventures this weekend, just your average swim practice, greasy breakfast, watching videos, going out to dinner, cooking. no sortie to dirty leather bars, though I am embarassed (em-bar-assed?) to day we did sun ourselves in Speedos on the fruit shelf in Dolores Park. the freaky sunburn is a big memory of the weekend, especially since now it's flaring up, ex post facto.

poor manfriend has raccoon eyes from his burnt cheeks (face, not the other cheeks). did you want to see my butt again? neither do I!

this weekend featured wonderful physical interaction of the sexual kind, that I felt was missing, i.e. manfriend-initiated. who knew sex would become such a loaded issue for me? well, I guess it was predestined to be. regardless, yesterday morning and this morning were chockful of quality time together that didn't feel like my attempts to have physical proof of our connection. we just were together. mutual. having fun. of the dirty ilk. the result is a much more settled flossing, less neurotic, less worried, less likely to stalk. (it's been ages, well, days!)

there was one BIG DEAL this weekend. a solution to living separately was found. one that approximates living together without the issues of space and personal living styles. there's an open unit in manfriend's building (he's in our old place). he's not inclined to move anywhere, nor have me move in since he likes the amount of space he has, not to mention the control of the cleanliness levels. I spoke with the landlord about moving in in the fall. come October, I may be living downstairs from mr. manfriend, in my own little 2BR, garaged apt., paying less rent than I am o'er in the (l)East Bay! Closer to manfriend, cheaper rent, garage, more saving potential, what else could I ask for? I'll be losing my easy (read shorter) bike commute (but there are non-driving options with lots of reading time), and the neighborhood pool (but there's no reason I can't just ride over after work, swim and BART home from there!). it's a win-win. and a nice little baby step. manfriend is excited about it too. all that stands in the way is the landlady replacing the kitchen floor and some damaged hardwood in the living room, cleaning the bathroom and kitchen and some water damage in the closet. oh, and replacing the fridge and stove. then, I'll just paint, remove carpet from the hall and BR, and voila! new home for flossing.

so, that's pretty big news. the weekend wasn't that uneventful after all.

now, I really have to do those damn traffic reports I've been talking about for the past week!!!

don't get your ass burned.

earlier - later