
coming home now

since I just told the manfriend that I'm coming home, let's write an entry. surely it's a noble cause to write twice in one week, my history of tardiness be damned. it's late on a friday and the sunless glare of the halogen lamps that light our warehouse cum office combined with the dull glow of my laptop have me mesmerized. break free... drive home... just a few more words... maybe they'll be brilliant.

my real-life friend whose blog. is the only blog I read regularly (or at all, but I mustn't forget my jessica stein friend) commanded that I read some homo's blog. From the beginning. That's December 2001. boyfriend doesn't write as I, a sparce spattering of prose every few months. no, he's a daily guy, sometimes a few times a day. at least that's how it seems after half an hour and the first 17 days of December three year ago. I praise your dedication, mm. consider me inspired.

which brings me to my question, or riddle. how do I combine my alleged identity as an artist/writer, blogging, my love of fountain pens (and handwritten letters), and a non-illegible archive? sprinkle on some auto-erotic voyeuristic hope of being read on someone's journey on the information super highway.

if you know the answer let me know. I have traffic to go face.

earlier - later