
spring forward

so busted... a co-worker just walked into my cubic-hole to tell me the new location for her meeting which is in twenty-five minutes. mind you, I haven't done the "homework" assignment requested for the meeting, brainstorming concepts around a new product with a nutritional profile I don't believe in. I was just reading January 2002 of dogpoet, then sighing in to pound out a speed entry of here. so I have to make this fast.

today is yucky. so was yesterday afternoon. well, what was yucky was waiting for someone who underestimated the length of time his activity would take before we met to rehearse synchronized swimming. (sound familiar?) two hours later (having missed the opportunity to accompany manfriend and DP to SFMOMA followed by the Sunday afternoon beer bust at a SOMA homosexual drinking establishment) he calls, and we spend two hours working on his timing and practicing the choreography in the dry living room. great for him. I'm such a nice friend. manfriend and DP return from their wonderful afternoon and I'm bobbing up and down, sticking my hands in the air as if they are my legs, moving in time with the Latin music.

that was yesterday's yucky part. a little nappy-snooze on manfriend's chest, delicious dining (after rejecting two other homosexual Dis-Asstro restaurants) and bedtime should have made everything better, right? I even laid out my clothes for an early wake-up for my standing heterosexual weight lifting date with the company big-wigs.

a combination of daylight savings time and the martini (I'm a lightweight, drinking maybe twice a month) made for one groggy, grumpy guy at 6:45am. Around 7:03 I decided that I wouldn't even try to make the forty-minute trip across the bay, stumbling an excuse about the traffic as I rush through a warm-up. it was the first time I hadn't been excited about lifting since I began my little experiment moving heavy inanimate objects six weeks ago.

shit. I have twelve minutes to pretend I care a creating unnatural snacks for weight-loss obsessed people.

why are there 90-minute lunchtime meetings? I'm hungry.

earlier - later