
it's personals

found an old online personal profile. so glad I don't have to date online. this never reaped any worthy suitors. I wouldn't respond if I read it, would you? enjoy:

I didn't select my friends via checklist, so I don't expect whomever responds to this to fit into specific catagories. That said, typically, I've found older guys more attractive, (though I'm trying to stay within 5 years, well, maybe 7, of my age for dating possibilites, but I've gone as high as 16). Physically, I'm down with bears, musclemen, athletes, academics, activists, freaks, leather and drag queens, so long as there's a personality and a critical mind behind the genre/body size/collective identity.

Me? Every morning, I wake up wishing I was dedicated enough to get up earlier to swim, go for a run, write, do yoga or laundry. Instead, I lollygag in bed, eventually getting myself through a bowl of Cheerios, two eggs and a shower.

I'll spend the next 9, 10 or 11 hours at work. It's not as bad as it sounds. I love my company, the challenges of my job and the people I work with.

My evenings may contain one or more of the following: cooking dinner, watching a DVD, reading, running on East Bay trails, jumping on a trampoline, or eating out with friends.

Then it's off to bed.

I hate boring routine and relish the interruptions to my patterns: seeing a play or dance piece, walking a friend's dog or daughter, rocking out to a CD or band, getting a massage or phone call, backing-up a drag queen or king, travelling to a new neighborhood or country.

blah, blah, blah... did you glean anything about who I am from the above?

earlier - later