
a day of infamy, year after year

the following is an email I sent my first love this morning:

Hey hey,

You beat me to the punch. When Sunday rolled around I started wondering if I would hear from you or if I should email you. Thank you for writing and even if we didn't talk, this day would never roll around unnoticed. Thirteen years later...

I think of you bunches what with all the election stuff everywhere. Watching the debates, at times I want to call you to tell you to tell John Kerry to answer some things better. During the Edwards Cheney debate, I got so mad about the gay marriage question I started thinking about not voting for them, as Edwards totally dropped the ball not connecting his answer to the previous question where Cheney talked about tax breaks for married people, then saying marriage is local decision.

I'm glad I'm not in a swing state where if I chose not to vote Kerry (don't worry, I will) it wouldn't matter. This whole deal pisses me off so much, and you know if the question was about race or a woman's right to choose, those would be deal-breaker, single-issue vote deciders. Why do the gays have to shove themselves into, not the backseat but lock themselves into the trunk for the betterment of society, just for some future Supreme Court appointments who may never stand up for what I believe? Anyhow, I'm glad you're working so hard in a swing state to help them make the better (not right) choice.

You sound really busy, and I'm happy that you're doing this kind of work. It suits you, even if suits don't suit you. (Not a snarky remark, just a joke about wearing more comfortable clothes.) I hope you're finding time to take care of yourself on the campaign trail, eating well, resting, not drinking too much and occasionally exercising. How's Simon de Dog through out all of this? I hope you have quality walks around the Italian Market together. He's getting up there in years. Is Heidi-ho taking care of him? Is she finished her remodeling and no longer homeless?

I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Pancreatic cancer is the worst, I've heard. You don't have to stay strong for everyone else... you get to have feelings and be sad too. Focus on her and your father and don't let your brothers get to you. May she continue to feel better and be sure to make lots of loving memories from now on. I'll be thinking of her.

Everything's fine here in California. I just got back from Ft. Lauderdale (no, not for registering voters, but a swim meet). My synchro team won gold as did my trio. There was no competition but our B team (which is only B in numbers, 4 as opposed to 8) and my trio beat the other trio. The gays sure love JJ Fad's "Supersonic;" they clapped along. Becky flew down and got to witness the madness (and humidity).

We're going through our fall warm spell, so there was no foggy chilly respite to the oppressive FL heat. Work is just work. I should prep my resume to be prepared (ever the Boy Scout), though I don't plan on going anywhere any time soon. Tracy sent me her bass so I could learn how to be a rock star, I learned how to knit and a co-worker wants me to consider applying for a writing MFA program. Not much time for yoga or running, just the occasional Spin class and lots of swimming.

You wrote:
> I hope your jobby is fine and dandy and you're getting all the yoga and
> exercise you deserve.
> You deserve lots.
Are you saying I'm fat?

I should get to work (for a change). Keep up the good fight.

I L & M you too, as always.

be well yourself,


earlier - later