
shhh, I'm sleeping

it's been so long, I don't even know where to begin. working backwards, I've been to NYC for a blogging conference (marketing benefits—yes, work paid for it), Hood River for kick-off meetings for a website redesign, served as a halfway house for a puppy that was on its way to Moscow, spent the New Year at a comedy show (fearing being recognized by the comic), spent the holidays here in SF, and purchased a new bed. oh, and lots of knitting.

my writing hasn't been happening, here or elsewhere. my aspirations for starting a business and learning to play the bass have evaporated as well. keeping in touch with friends by handwritten letters, let alone email, hasn't happened for months. nor have large-scale organization projects occured. yet, I'm pleasantly content.

manfriend is wonderful. job, although stressful and overwhelming, still is just a means to an end, and by no means is it causing me pain. synchronized swimming continues swimmingly, and since the 2005 started, I have a $100 sushi bet that I'll workout 3 times per week for three months. So far so good.

I make no promises to write more. I haven't the time lately to expound upon topics that were never jotted down to remember for when time availed itself. I'm thinking, but knitting in front of the television has become my therapy or white activity (in the vein of white noise) to bring calm to my life. I do miss the reflection and the stretching of the creative muscles, but I think I'm in a hibernation mode for a bit.

earlier - later