

a whole month has gone by, and nary a peep from me. so much to discuss, but instead, allow me to whine rhapsodically about that which I do not have enough time to do:

  1. write, right? where's the blog love? where's the fiction love? where's the reading of books and blogs and best laid-plans? drip-drop dabbles here and there aren't enough. it may be time to create structure. (or at least a list.)
  2. start a gosh-darn knitting business. neither my own personal knitting, my out-sourced partner project, my pattern designs, nor an independent knitting blog (that's not part of a community) have been started. blog should be first, quickly followed by patterns (which have already be requested).
  3. playing, rather, learning to play bass. no big-time rock star is gonna be born if I ain't plugging in. or at least reading Playing Bass for Dummies.
  4. countless more, I'm sure...
all I apparently have time for is synchronized swimming, purchasing a house, selling stuff at garage sales and used book stores, and Tivo. at least I cancelled Netflix.

I gotta run and make a list of work tasks now.

edit: at 7:44pm on 2005-05-04, I finally completed writing the aforementioned list.

earlier - later